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A member registered Mar 12, 2020

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You have to hit stage 50 to unlock prestige, I think.

Interesting game, but a lot of hitting a wall, restarting and clicking to get back to where you were.

Also, seems like the game doesn't have any sort of autosave or cookie save? I didn't even close the tab, just watched something in another window, and the game lost all my progress and resources except for boosts.

Fun game. The amount of tasks that unlock can be a bit overwhelming, but the search function helps a lot. A couple of QoL suggestions:

* A button to clear all actions. I ended up using one of the loadouts for a blank slate, because it was quicker than dragging away every action individually.

* A pause button so you can set things up without it running partially or in the wrong order.

* Some of the unlock conditions are fiddly - it seems that 'gaining' doesn't count as 'producing', maybe? Also it only counts as producing something if you have room to store it, so sometimes you need to deliberately spend resources first, which is a pain.

* Asteroid Shower appears to be bugged and doesn't generate Rocks.

Great game, and love the generous demo, single-unlock, no ads, business model. Happy to support!

Does anyone know why achievement copying doesn't seem to work on Chromebook? I get the message saying 'copied to clipboard' but nothing actually copies onto the clipboard. Just trying to sync up my achievements on Chromebook and phone. Ta.

If you want a physical copy, this is based on Zombie Dice / Dino Hunt Dice.

Don't worry, it's there.

Nope, this one:

Borrows pretty heavily from Gridle. You should probably acknowledge the human who made that game, if you're going to give credit to an algorithm.

Had a fun run being incredibly picky about what I added. Used IAs to remove my starting civilians, got an apprentice thief and a leader flag. Ended up with two journeyman thieves and three leader flags, hardly anything else so the thieves always got the multipliers. Thieves won the game on their own, especially if the three multipliers landed on the same one.

What do the gauges under the fairy do? I assume they speed up health and mana recovery, but is there a cost or downside to maxing them out constantly? Also, do you only get the bonus for the fairy costume you've currently selected?

(2 edits)

Fun game, although a bit slow, and I tend to like more automation in idle games.

A couple of quick suggestions:

* A way to throw away items you don't want. It's easy for your inventory to get clogged with worthless items, and it's a nuisance to make a trip to the merchant for a handful of coins.

* Related to the above, some items don't stack in your backpack. Cloth is worth like two coins, but each one takes up a slot instead of stacking like rat tails or frog legs.

* I think there's a glitch with loot drops for wolves. I've had the animation for meat several times without actually gaining it  Oh, never mind, I think 'autoconsumable' means I was automatically eating the meat as soon as I picked it up.

A month and a half later, I beat this legitimately. Or at least I maxed out the energy, which didn't seem to do anything but I'm counting it. By the end I just let it run and fill up because that was quicker than resetting and actually buying units or buildings.

If you ever do revisit this, obviously costs should go down and the cap on mass conversion should be lessened. It just takes too long to buy anything. But more important would be to reduce or remove the energy cost on buildings. The constant resetting to convert is already very grindy, but it's downright painful when every reset deactivates all your buildings and they take so long to switch back on again.

I'm sticking it out through sheer stubbornness at this point, but yeah, it's real slow even for an idle game. You can't just let it sit because the matter conversion rate slows down, every time you reset all the buildings deactivate, and it doesn't even run in a background tab. 

Interesting mechanics and a nice clean design, but it seems to get really grindy really quick between the low caps on units, the big jumps in costs, and the rapid drop in the matter conversion ratio. Once you hit ten 16-cost units, it takes a long time to buy a single 256-cost, let alone your first building. Guessing it'll speed up a lot later, though.

Neat idea, but progress gets slower and slower as you go on. Linear income plus exponential costs means it just takes longer to get to the next galaxy each time.

Not a lot here, but if this was made in two hours then that's understandable!

Kind of worked in an incognito tab, but after a party survived the dungeon it softlocked and I was unable to continue.

Loading bar fills most of the way, then I get a "null function or function signature mismatch" error message on Chrome.

No error message, the button just greys out and stops working.

Game seems to be broken after prestige. Roll button just keeps getting stuck on Wait, even after reloading the page.

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. I haven't used SEUCK since, oh, before you were born.

(1 edit)

Ha, I was just going to post about that! First time I tried it, no items loaded and I couldn't work out what I was supposed to be doing.

After a bunch of trying...

...I got the hell portal really early and that just won the game on its own. Bioweapon to take out most of my starting humans, and before long the field was full of hellhounds and I was doing 1500-2500 damage per turn.

Agreed, just putting something in the description would help. Sometimes an upgrade that took forever to afford just didn't seem to do anything or raise the mana per second, so it would be good to know what they actually do.

Something I'm not sure is a bug - very rarely you get another blue square right after you click on a blue square, and it gives a much bigger bonus than usual.

Yeah, there was a glitch where one particular textbox wouldn't close, but it's been fixed now.

Yep, working fine now.

The textbox that starts "Damn it! The floor just collapsed..." won't close, so I can't even get past the first proper screen of the game. Playing on Chrome.

Now this is how you do a clicker/incremental game. Slick presentation, interesting mechanics, crazy endgame acceleration. Good job.

It's interesting, and I got a fair way in, but I felt pretty lost. Progress grinds to a halt instantly and all you can do is keep respeccing and buying upgrades in a different order until something clicks. Or I'm missing something.

Super cute game, but unless I'm missing something the main gameplay is just repeatedly assigning workers to the exact same tasks over and over because every ten seconds some of them get knocked off what they were doing.

Is there a way to speed up the research timer? I found it quite disheartening to finally save up enough science bread for a big upgrade, only for it to take another two-and-a-half hours to actually activate after you pay for it.

Looks like this is now working - when I reloaded the achievement has been awarded. Thanks!

Possible bug: the Bread Store achievement is currently at 231%, but hasn't completed.

Neat game. Hope you can fix the CutStone glitch soon. Would also be good to have shortcut buttons to stop all slimes and assign all slimes to a job, rather than having to click each individually.

Short but satisfying, hope to see more in future!

Really good job! Very slick, lovely presentation, starts very simple but gets quite tricky by the end.

Really neat stuff! Finally beat the purple boss after half a dozen runs. Interesting how wide a variety of decks you can make.

Neat game. If you're adding to it in future, a way to grind money would be great. At the moment you seem to have to manually click through all fifteen fights on the Extermination quest every time you want to earn coins, even when you're massively over-levelled.